How to Request a Feature

If you want to add or change something, or I haven’t quite nailed your request the first time around I’m willing to consider trying again.

Follow These Steps

  1. Check you are using the latest version of the Epic Clouds.
    You may find the latest version has already met your requirement in part or in full, and I will be assuming you are using the latest version unless you say otherwise.
  2. Contact me via a direct message on or here
    Find the ‘private message’ link next to the Floyd logo underneath the ‘screenshots’ section. Use this so we can discuss your request as needed without clogging the product page with chat. I don’t check in every day, but I will your request eventually.
  3. Provide screenshots
    To illustrate what your preset or idea might look like and I will it as a reference.
  4. Provide a description in your own words
    I would learn a lot from a summary in your own words so that I can get a feel for what your particular interest is.
  5. Tell me the environmental context if necessary
    For example: you might also be thinking of, but not describing the temperature, rain, season, time of day, wind speed, snow cover or humidity. If I know the context then I can optimise for a particular setting as a priority.


  1. Because its not possible to get good collective feedback I have to rely on my own judgement primarily.
  2. I do better by working in a cyclic fashion and taking my time, so please be patient
  3. Sometimes I will not be able to accommodate a request if
    • It clashes with a core belief about the product
    • I don’t have the knowledge/ability to complete the task well
    • The work involved would be too large to consider
  4. All the releases are stored so I can fix any mistakes that are reported as necessary.